Ok. So we've CLEARLY established that I'm not good at consistent blogging. I kind of already knew that, since the times in my early life I remotely attempted to keep a diary, my new endeavor would never make it past the 2-week mark... And I think a blog is pretty similar to a diary, so no surprises in the fact that I'm just not good at this sort of stuff. I may have many talents, but blogging ain't one of them... lol. However, I do love the idea of reaching out to all of you, my readers (aka friends and family) through little snippets of my life. So I'm gonna attempt this ONE MORE TIME. I'm not going to delude myself into thinking I can post full-fledged stories or synopses (synopsi?) of my daily adventures anymore. But I think I can just post random events in my day or random thoughts often enough to where my blog isn't the cyber-void that it has been since I started it. lol. So... for my first installation of the new-and-improved nomad girl engineer blog, I have today's random event:
I went to a watchmaker to repair my watch. Yes, I agree with you: How very vintagey of me :) Well the watch Sabrina gave me almost 2 yrs ago was still going strong as far as keeping time is concerned, but the bracelet was falling apart. And by falling apart, I mean, like, I had taped parts of it together just to help it survive... you know how I does. So, as I was reinforcing the tape at my desk, my coworker just starts laughing and says, 'don't you have other watches? You need to throw that one away!' And I was like, 'yes, but this is my favorite one. It has sentimental value' (Sabrina, go ahead, reach for your Kleenex)... so my other coworker says 'Oh, my dad owns a watchmaking shop that's close by, if you wanna go they can put a new bracelet on it for you'. So she writes out a note to the watchmaker that works in her dad's shop, I march my little hiney down there at lunchtime (with a quick stop by the Tadeus' house for a super-quick last minute lunch with the ever-amusing Quito), hand the note to the watchmaker, hand him my watch, watch him work his magic, and about 3 minutes later he hands me my watch... with a total makeover! It was so funny, he had one of those one-eye spectacle/magnifying glass thing (don't now the proper name of the device) as he worked with quick and nimble fingers...
I quite enjoyed this little glimpse of a non-mass-producer, non-corporate-tycoon vocation for a change. It was just so quaint, this little itty bitty shop and its experienced operator that gave me back my favorite watch and a glimpse of the simplicity of an almost-lost art.