This week was quite taxing.
At the expense of sounding like a whiny-butt, all of the following events took place in a measly 7-day period:
-The kitchen sink is clogged. Uber annoying.
-A tube running through the wall of my room busted, flooding my bedroom more than once.
-There was some problem with the electricity at my place, causing some voltage oscillation that caused it to go too high and blow out all my light bulbs. At the same time.
-Said electrical problems caused me to disconnect my fridge because I was afraid that it would burn out. All my food is now rotten. It was packed full too, since I had just done my grocery shopping for the month.
-Threats of an anti-government protest with potential turn for outright violence and vandalism loomed near the city center... a few blocks from where I live. This caused me to stay sequestered away at the Tadeus until things calmed down.
-I had a big event going on at work that kept me up late a couple of nights this week preparing reports. Last night (while still at the Tadeus'), Chinha's baby was crawling around nearby where I was working. He somehow got tangled up in my modem cable, causing my computer to freeze up, which in turn caused me to shut everything down, which in turn caused me to lose a couple of hours worth of work.
-This afternoon, at the end of the event, I had a conference call scheduled with some of the global head honchos. Well, the network refused to cooperate and I was never able to log in to the conference call. Had to reschedule. Very frustrating.
-Traffic was a major pain in the hiney today. More so than usual.
-I finally made it to the Tadeus' (STILL staying there, lol, ya me emocione...). I exhaustedly sauntered up the driveway and started chatting with the guard. Well the guard dog, a huge German Shepherd, decided he wanted to rip some flesh off of me or something because he charged at me and was able to snip away a nice little itty-bitty chunk off my back (I had to act fast to arch my back away from him so he couldn't get as much flesh as he was trying to...). AND he ripped my awesome green tshirt. Not cool.

Pics taken after I got back from the clinic where they disinfected me and gave me an anti-rabies shot...
But alas... the week is now over. Sunset is here (yay for Sabbath!!!) and I get to hang out with the kiddos at the Tadeus' home which never fail to bring some sunshine into my day! :D