Thursday, December 18, 2008

Merry Christmas No More :(

For me, 'Twas always the most wonderful time of the year. I was a self-diagnosed Christmas fan. My favorite songs on the radio were on around that time (and I can probably sing along to all of them without missing a beat or a word), my favorite church services were the ones centered around Christmas, my favorite family traditions were about Christmas.

That is, until this year. This year will be my first official year no longer celebrating Christmas. For a recovering Christmas fan like me, it's my detox stage, I guess. You see, I've always heard of some Christians that don't celebrate Christmas. I've heard their reasoning and I, like a good Christmas fan, was always the first to defend the holiday and scoff at the absurdity of their argument. Until this year. I don't know what or how it happened. I just know that I can no longer stay in the mindset that excuses a pagan (which is just a nice way of saying Satanic) holiday.

I've always known that Jesus wasn't really born at Christmastime. I've always known that Christmas is nowhere in the Bible (being celebrated or established). I've always known that it was of pagan origin. But somehow, I've always been able to convince myself that things change, and that nowadays Christians celebrate it to signify the birth of Jesus and blah blah blah.

I am and SDA. As an SDA, I often wonder about many of the other Protestant denominations and their gullibility about the Sabbath. I nearly shake my head in amazement at how easily manipulated the members of those churches are to believe that somehow, something invented by man can somehow transcend something established by God. How could people be fooled so easily into thinking that Sunday is the Lord's Day as opposed to Saturday/Sabbath?

Little did I know, I was being just as foolish and gullible by celebrating Christmas.
Christmas and Sunday: Both invented by Satan to confuse God's children.
Both established by Constantinople to strike a compromise between
the Church and the Pagans.
Both blindly followed by ppl who consider themselves true followers of
God, but don't take the time to see Who/What they're honoring by c
celebrating these days.
Neither have any foundation in God's Word.
Both are excused by Christians by using lame, Biblically unfounded
arguments (Not trying to be judgmental, I'm including myself in this...)

So I have, after much reflection, decided to be no more a part of the manipulated masses and actually stand up for Biblical Truth.

Hope more ppl will join me as we await Jesus' glorious return!

Meanwhile, I'll try to figure out a way to live the rest of my earthly life avoiding the big jolly easy-to-get-pulled-into merriments. LOL.


Melody said...

Elisa I just read your blog today, and I think that I agree with you in the sense of how the holiday is celebrated. What I feel is that this is an opportunity for us, disciples of Christ, to take advantage that people are vulnerable and open to hearing about Christ.
This year I just did not see the big hoo-hoo of the holiday and actually felt that it was irrelevant in my Christian walk. I did not see it meaningful at all. Sounds kind of funny, but I was just thinking that I don't mind being part of the emphasis of Christ as long as we stay true to the Word. When we take the focus off of Him, which our society tends to do, and places the spotlight on the gifts, food, trees, lights, etc., then there is a problem. I feel that I can always feel merry during this time of year and join the world in the spirit of meaningful giving, especially to those in need, simply because "Oh my goodness they are playing Jesus songs on a secular radio station." When else can we see that? Also this may be the only time some people actually go to church and you never know when the Holy Spirit will touch a soul as they enter through the doors.
I agree that it does have pagan origins and we should be very careful in how we participate in it, and yet we should be on the lookout "como leon rugiente" (like the devil is, just in a good way) in order to see who we can devour for Christ.

Servant of the Lord said...

I too agree with you on this point young servant of the Lord. I once celebrated christmas many years ago in my own ignorance until I discovered all the truths about christmas. However let us not haste into conclusions about such holidays.
The spirit of prophecy does tell us that we should take advantage of these holidays to witness to those which are in neccessity. During the holidays we should seek those who are hungry and invite them into our homes. Like Melody said people are more vulnerable during this time of the year and the lonely are lonelier. We should invite these people into our homes and feed them and share Christ with them. Jesus said, "I was naked and you did not clothe me, I was hungry and you did not feed me, I was in prison and you did not visit me."
Are we to sit at home and enjoy our own dinner(whether it be a christmas feast or humble dinner) while people are hungry and without shelter? NO! In no manner whatsoever. Let us take this opportunity to share Christ with the lost, feed the homeless, visit the sick, the widows and the prisoners. I pray that the holidays will no longer be a holiday of giving and receiving among you and your friends and family but a time of giving to those in need.

Isaias Ortega