Today was such a SLOOOOWWW day at work. Nothing worthy of note happened. I only got like 3 or 4 emails... that never happens.
I guess today is just one of those uneventful days that come along once in a while. There are some days full of stories to tell (like one time, I saw a pregnant lady get morning sickness all over herself and the lady sitting next to her in the bus. Then I saw a little girl get her head stuck in a little space of the turnstile to get into the bus, while her mother panicked and almost choked her from trying unsuccessfully to pull her out. Then I saw a man fall off his motorcycle and break his leg so badly that the bone was sticking out through his shin. This all happened within a 2-hr bus ride from one side of the city to the other... craziness!)
I think the most eventful thing that happened today was an in-depth discussion about my coworker's blouse. There's 4 of us girls in the department, and I guess when we're bored we can just get into these kinda irrelevant conversations. We couldn't decide if it was shocking enough to be classified as fuschia, purple-y enough to be classified as magenta... we knew it was something between pink and red. But we were sitting there having this conversation for a good while before we decided to just keep it as an undecided color, lol. And now for your viewing pleasure, some pics of the deeply insightful participants of this ever-so-important conversation:
There's the wearer of the blouse that spurred such amusement, on the right. And another one of the coworkers. Here's the third participant in the conversation:

And there was also yours truly:

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