WHOA, it's been a looooong day!
It's been disaster after disaster and crisis after crisis all up in here... This is gonna have to be a list kinda post:
-It all started with the flight back from South Africa... we were supposed to leave Johannesburg at 3:30 p.m.... ended up leaving at 9:00 pm. Why? They were just running late. Ridiculous.
-We landed in Luanda at around 11:30 pm. The baggage didn't arrive until about 3 a.m.
-When the baggage FINALLY arrived, I checked to make sure everything was ok and nothing was missing. Found out my phone and my ipod were both missing from my backpack.
-Reported to the airport authorities that my bag had been stolen from. They made me sit down and wait around for an hour while they disappeared behind closed doors supposedly to go track them down (theft by airport officials = not uncommon in Africa).
-No results from that lame investigation. I decided to go home. I no longer own a phone or an ipod. (sorry Sabs. I loved it with all my heart while it was mine :( )
-Got home and went to bed around 4 a.m. Keep in mind I had to be at work at 8, and be at the bus stop by 5:45.
-Napped a little, jumped out of bed, no shower, just my devotion and a fast and furious toothbrushing session (aka the BARE ESSENTIALS).
-I was gonna make it to work on time... but I got to the last leg of my commute and realized I had to go to an ATM because I had run out of cash to pay the fare, so I got to work 10 mins late.
-Kept fighting a losing battle with my eyelids all morning. I really needed some sleep!
-At lunchtime my wisdom tooth was just throbbing in pain. Quite aggravating, because I really like to enjoy my meals in peace. Can a girl just chew her food with gusto? Is that too much to ask?
-Went to the phone store in the afternoon and found out there's now way to recover the same phone number because I wasn't under a contract. It's gonna be much harder to recover all the contacts I had... especially the ones in the music ministry ALL OVER the city. Ugh.
-The day just dragged on and on in like manner. But now the workday is over and I can go home and enjoy my Sabbath. Thank you Lord, we're finally there. Sabbath bliss here I come!!!!
1 comment:
Mami said, "Al fin perdimos. Esa tal aypoh, eepoh, o wateveh se la terminaron por llevar". Ipod, Mami, Ipod.
And I'm upset you didn't put those two things in you jacket pocket, or something, after you found out your backpack had to go under.
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