Monday, February 1, 2010

College Days Deja Vu


Today was a nice Sabbath. At church, the sermon was about living faith. The preacher talked about applying all the things we talk about and claim to believe to our daily walk. It's always good to receive a fresh reminder, because too often we can become trapped in a routine of 'cultural christianity' and not experience a vibrant, tangible faith as we should.

I had lunch at Tio Terencio's as usual, and then decided to attend a Sabbath afternoon program at a different church (Igreja do Palanca). It was a music program that I had been invited to, but I had declined because I was supposed to have a practice at my church, so I wouldn't be able to make it to both. However, the practice was cancelled at the last minute so I was able to dash to Palanca and attend their program instead. When I walked in, they choir and small groups were doing a final run-through before the actual program. Well, when the music director noticed I had brought my clarinet (since I was supposed to have a practice), he threw me into the program at the last minute. I was like, oh wow, what's with the impromptu request? lol But we went through some pieces that he wanted help with, and they came out just fine. He's a wonderful pianist, so it was easy to come up with some nice ad libs to add to the music.
The program was wonderful and inspirational, especially since it was themed 'Expressao da Minha Alma', a program in which every artist sang a song written and composed by him/herself.
It was really good.

After the program, I went home to change, and then came to Tio Sousa's (Moises, Gera, and Eugenia's dad) so I could finish printing MORE music guides and do lesson plans for the whole time I'm gonna be gone.

So here I sit, typing away while the printer chugs along with the thousands of pages it still has left to print. I can already tell this one's gonna be another allnighter. Geeze Louise, what is this, college all over again?


Dina said...

Wait, Sousa? Or Meio-Dia??? I'm oh-so-confused!

Are you now playing the clarinet more than you do the violin? And now (since last post) I finally know why we've yet to see your music class!!! Grr...

Jess said...

Ok so r these people really ur uncles or are they your "uncles".... just wondering cuz you guys just call anyone your uncles and aunts and I am proud of u and the fact that u have not left ur nerdy behaviors behind.... still playing ur its so hilarious Edna sounds sooo distressed about the fact that you might be playing the clarinet more than the violin.... oh my u cannot play the clarinet over the violin that is preposterous... how dare u!!! lololol is the violin a more sophisticated instrument... oh Elisa don't shame ur family especially not Edna and her beloved chelo! lol