So I was right. I did end up staying up all night working on the books and lesson plans. Ugh, you'd think I was making money from all this work... lol. But I have faith that one day it will all pay off when I see my students performing top level music in front of large audiences. We'll get there! Keep the dream alive!
Ok, enough pep talk. So after the all-nighter, I went straight to church to teach the course and assign the several-week homework... and then I passed by Tio Terencio's to say bye to the fam where I received some African Championship shirts and a scarf that Tio T is sending to Papi as souvenirs of the Championship... I'm sure he's gonna love the stuff :) Such a sweet gesture from Tio...
So after that I went back home to eat something real quick and spent the rest of the day doing laundry. It was EXHAUSTING... I hadn't done laundry in a whole month or more because I've been so busy... so EVERYTHING was dirty, and I washed it all by hand. I know, very African of me. But anyhow, I got through it, and now it's late, I'm tired as tired can be (note to self: don't ever pull an all-nighter and do loads upon loads of laundry by hand within the same 24-hour period)... at least I feel a sense of accomplishment, it's been quite a productive couple of days :)
I'm going to bed... still counting down the days until I jet off. Can't wait!!!!
Oh, great. Now you left us with the impression that washing machines don't exist in Angola... Or even all of Africa. Do you live in a tree? lol
Ok what I really mean to say is: oh no! Did you get callos on your hands? :( That's a LOT of dirty clothes. And ok, this trip is still a surprise, right? I hope so, then I can blackmail you or something!
What trip r u little sneaks talking about... im so lost in this one;... except for the whole thing about elisa washing clothes with her bare hands... completely uneccessary but more power to you :)
Helllooooo, haven't I told you she's going to MX?! She's going to my dear childhood place!!!!!!!!!
Elisa, I'm online trying to see if you'll sign on.
Ok no u didnt tell me and are we all planning to go see her too? i thought u dina couln't cross the border? sooo confused! but if u do go i want to go plz!!!
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