Another weekend is here. Another chance to rest from the rigors of the workweek. Although I can't complain about the week that just passed... It was amazingly productive. Lots of things happened, and it all culminated with me picking up my visa this morning. Now I can officially travel in and out of the U.S. whenever I want to or need to! Well, for the next to years at least. Then it'll be this whole unnerving cycle all over again. But I'm so excited!
Anyways, that's the biggest news I have for today. I'm tired and I need to finish studying my lesson before I get to bed so I wont make this a long one. But I did wanna mention that after paying for the apartment, I'm so ridiculously broke that I can't even afford to catch the city bus to go to my church on the other side... So I'll just have to go to the one nearby which is walking distance. Oh well... and I also have no credit left on my cell phone to call my co-pianist to tell him to cover for me because I wont make it tomorrow :( I need to get it together... I seriously have a grand total of $3 to my name right now. It's gonna be a rough couple of weeks til payday :S But praise the Lord, I live close to work, I have free food and lodging for the time being, and there's a church within walking distance of the house. I can go 2 weeks without spending any money :)
Anyways. So happy that Sabbath is here. I love the Sabbath!
Before I bid you farewell, I just leave you with this picture of me right after getting my first handful of mexican candy IN Mexico... it had been 14 years since that had happened. What a joyous moment! hahaha

LOLOL yes i can tell how excited you are! Can u tell by my GGRRROOWWLWLLLL!! how mad i am that u didnt send me some?!?!?!? Thats right Be afraid! I am glad that u got your visa! Its about freaking time and I believe u need to show ur lovely face here in ugly texas more often my dear!!
Wow, Jessica's post was full of extreme emotions. Calm down, K-kita.
Your life now will be from visa to visa, not paycheck to paycheck. :)
And uh, WHERE'S MY SHARE OF MX CANDY??? (hehe?) I'm proud to say that at this very moment, as it so oft has been the case in the past, my net worth is more than yours. Much more, if you measure in percentages. I have a whole $50something to my name.
I get the last laugh, I GET THE LAST LA-- wait, when's paycheck? :/
Bitter Ednerd, paychecks are for grownups....
Jess went through a whole spectrum of emotions....schizophrenic much? Hee hee
Ok edna and sabino.... SHUTT IITT!!!!
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