Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Groggy Day


Today I got a really early start to my morning. We had to get up at 4.30 am in order to make it into the city before the traffic jams started, so I was home by 6, wide awake, and didn't have to go to work for anothe 1.5 hrs. So I took my sweet time lazying around the house, chatted with le boyfriend, got ready, did some dishes, and overall an easygoing morning. No rushing around to make it out the door. Pretty sweet. Except, at work, I was so sleepy all day due to the fact that I had gone to bed late and gotten up so early.
The day dragged on a bit with me fighting my sleepiness but I ended up leaving 30 minutes early so I could take my fridge to the techinican, since I can't get him to commit to coming to the house to take a look at it. Anyhow. I lugged the thing over there and left it, he promised it'd be ready by noon tomorrow. Hopefully he keeps his word.
After that I came home, lounged around watched the movie 'Meet the Browns' (those movies Sabrina sent back in '08 are still going strong, lol) and chatted a bit more with le boyfriend before calling it a night.
Tomorrow is a national holiday here, so I get to sleep in and I finally will have some free time to tighten my locs. I'll also get to do some cleaning up around the place and some reading.
Sigh, thank you, Angolan government. If there's one thing you do right, it's to grant us so many random holidays during the year!!!
Elisa out.


Sabby said...

You're a professional vacation taker.

That's what you are.

Woo-hoo for bootleg DVDs! :)

Dina said...

Sabrina echoed my thoughts on the vacation taking...

Do you have a real refrigerator, or a little one like we had in MX?