Friday, July 30, 2010

Pics from the Trip

Here are some pictures from the trip... enjoy!

Hanging with Mr. Goober

Zoomin' trhough the mean streets of Arlington with le boyfriend
Leaping around at the Dallas Botanical Gardens
Quality time with the momma :)

The happy couple - the newest Mr. and Mrs. Veloso!We caught the groom for a quick shot of his cheezy face!

With mah sistah on the Ferry between Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard... good times!

Great friends, great food... does life get any better than this?

The Skulls and Bones door... Hello? Mr. Jesuit? Anyone home?

Mis amiguitas! Chilling at the Yale campus. Don't they fit right in? My vagabond shoes straying right through the very heart of it: New York, New York!!!

Traveling Scarf made it to Johannesburg!

That's all for now... I will be uploading some more on facebook as soon as I can.


Sabby said...

"Mr. Jesuit...." LOL!

Dina said...

Your vagabond shoes got torn apart!!! jajaaa

Martha's Vineyard= my favorite part!

Oh, and, "Dina, I think we're... en el guetoh!"