Over the last 24 hrs, I've learned that finding out someone you love has simply ceased to exist is a really hard fact to swallow. It's so hard to wrap your mind around the fact that someone you JUST hung out with a few days ago, you'll never see again (in this present life, anyway...). It's so heartbreaking to witness the parents and siblings struggling with the same concept... also trying to wrap their mind around what just happened... their struggle being much more painful compared to yours.
Some words to describe him:
Goofy, a typical Gouveia teen :)
Stylish... Oh so very stylish...
Clever: Always found a creative way to get out of doing the dishes... lol
His younger brothers' hero
His older sister's (that would be me) source of joy and non-stop amusement
His parents' pride and joy, their firstborn
It's so unfair that he had to go at such a young age. I hate the disease that took over his strong, seemingly unbreakable body and turned him into a frail shadow of his former self in a matter of hours, struggling to breathe, struggling to do anything necessary to live. I do know that the 18 years he lived were filled with joy, love, battles, and incredible adventures. We keep him in our hearts and memories, and I assure you our grandchildren will be hearing stories about their Great-uncle Gugu. For such a short time on this earth, he left quite a legacy.
We Love Him. We Miss Him. We will Never Forget Him.
In Loving Memory of Mesaque Paulino Gouveia, aka "Gugu".
1992 - 2010
I actually read this the same day you posted but couldn't comment from my phone.
What do you do with the parents? What do you say to his little siblings? God MUST strengthen our family through this heartbreaking experience. Praying still.
aww man I'm must barely reading this. I'm sorry for ya'lls loss :-(
I did read this blog and I hadn't caught up since then. What a tragedy. Makes one want to be HOME already! Always in our prayers. xoxo
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