Wednesday, November 10, 2010

One Exciting Day

So today is a very exciting day... why you ask? WELL, because we're gonna have two new moms on the scene.

New Mom #1: I'm currently writing you from a clinic, where I've just sent my awesome preggers cousin off into the O.R. for her C-section. I'm gonna have a brand new baby niece within the hour! I'm SOOO EXCITED! Pictures of tonight's events to follow, of course :)

New Mom #2: Me. Yup. You read right. I'm getting a brand new puppy tonight (or tomorrow morning if I leave the clinic too late). Now that I got you thinking that I'm one of those crazy ladies that think their pets are their children, I'd just like to clarify by saying that I'm just calling my puppy my baby because I'm trying to make it seem like a monumental event too, lol (Pictures also to follow). Of course, it doesn't compare to the new baby-niece news listed above. Did I mention that I'm SOOOO EXCITED?!?!

To top it off, we get tomorrow and Friday off (Thursday is Independence Day, Friday the government just felt like adding on so that we could all have a 4-day weekend...). So my puppy will get to spend an exciting day at the parade followed by the beach with me. I look forward to the weekend full of fun activites and sleeping in.

Told you: Today was One Exciting Day.


Dina said...

I really wonder if your Spanador will be as excited as you about parades and days off! lol


ROSIBEL said...

lol as long as you don't kiss him in the mouth or permanently baby talk i'll be ok what great company they are! i cant wait to get a dog one day...oh and maybe a baby too hahahaha congrats on being a fake tia again!