I woke up with a swollen shut, painful, red, extremely mucous eye.
This is NOT fun.
I went to my first morning meeting, followed by the clinic, and now I've been ordered by the Doctor to stay locked up in my room for the next 2 days. Ugh. Turns out, it's going around here at the base, yet noone bothered to warn me til after I got it. Thanks a lot people!
Well it's actually not too bad to have a forced vacation. Other than the annoying eye, it's kinda nice to chill out and work from bed :)
Lol!!!! Sorry elisa! Reading this made me feel all icky and contaiged... (from the word contagious lol!!)
Awww, Elisa, I don't like seeing you enfermation. :( :( :(
Te de manzanilla se ha dicho!!! You know that takes it away in like 5 hours, no joke.
P.S.- A pink eye is not excuse to stay in BED all day. It wasn't pink legs. Guau. lol
YUCKO BUCKO!!! you need to tell people in the office to wash their hands after using the restroom!!!
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