Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What's Been Going On: In List Form

Ok... so I've been very busy lately which has caused me to slack in the posting of the blog... but I'm back to give yall an update of what's been going on.

-Eugenia had her baby girl about 4 weeks ago. She's such a cutie! I've gone to spend a couple of weekends with her to help her around the house and to help watch the firstborn because he's such a hyper little creature. I don't know how she manages to take care of the cleaning, cooking, feeding the baby, watching the firstborn, etc when she's home alone. Madness I tell ya.

-Moises got married (Moises and Eugenia are brother and sister, so a very eventful month for the family). Filo, the oldest sister who lives in Namibia, came up for the wedding and to spend some time with our baby niece. Fun was had by all.

-The music students are showing lots of progress... we're working on our repertoire for a sacred mini-concert we hope to have at the beginning of next year. So excited about it all!

-My puppy got stolen. My cute little puppy, who was so smart he was already potty trained at 6 weeks old, needed to go outside to pee and asked me to be let out first thing in the morning as usual. He usually goes out, roams for a minute or two, pees, roams for another minute or two, poops, roams for another minute or two, and then runs in all happy looking for his bowl of milk. I was getting ready for work, but I soon noticed he hadn't ran back in after a few minutes. I went to look for him in the front yard, called and called and looked EVERYWHERE. I woke up my neighbors, who loved him like their own and helped me by dogsitting when I traveled. They helped me look for him, they even went out to the opposite side of the building where the guards sit and interrogated them. Nothing. Nobody had seen little Bongo. I felt like slapping every resident of this city for a while. I get so mad when something like this happens (to me or anyone I know). I've never lived in a place where you can't just have things and enjoy them. You get a iPod, it gets stolen. You get a decent phone, it gets stolen. You buy a decent car, it gets broken into and whatever is inside it get stolen. You get a puppy, it gets stolen. Seriously people, can yall learn to just live and let live? SO infuriating!

-Work has been insanely busy. I've been all over the place between projects in Soyo, Cabinda, and Luanda. And starting in January, I'm gonna have a HUGE year-long project that is going to keep me so busy because it'll be on top of what I already do. But it's because of this project that I get to have a trip to Carrollton... (aka my vacation trip to DFW is paid for!) so I'm quite happy about it :)
Anyhow, I just wanted to end on a positive note. I gotta run now, but hopefully I'll have some time to update the blog with some pics and MAYBE a video or two if the signal decides to behave...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Meet Bongo :)

His first bath

His first meal away from his mommy... he struggled to figure it out, he pretty much went swimming in the milk right after I took this pic, lol

Hi! :)

Ain't he a cutie-patootie?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

One Exciting Day

So today is a very exciting day... why you ask? WELL, because we're gonna have two new moms on the scene.

New Mom #1: I'm currently writing you from a clinic, where I've just sent my awesome preggers cousin off into the O.R. for her C-section. I'm gonna have a brand new baby niece within the hour! I'm SOOO EXCITED! Pictures of tonight's events to follow, of course :)

New Mom #2: Me. Yup. You read right. I'm getting a brand new puppy tonight (or tomorrow morning if I leave the clinic too late). Now that I got you thinking that I'm one of those crazy ladies that think their pets are their children, I'd just like to clarify by saying that I'm just calling my puppy my baby because I'm trying to make it seem like a monumental event too, lol (Pictures also to follow). Of course, it doesn't compare to the new baby-niece news listed above. Did I mention that I'm SOOOO EXCITED?!?!

To top it off, we get tomorrow and Friday off (Thursday is Independence Day, Friday the government just felt like adding on so that we could all have a 4-day weekend...). So my puppy will get to spend an exciting day at the parade followed by the beach with me. I look forward to the weekend full of fun activites and sleeping in.

Told you: Today was One Exciting Day.

Para Que Odien

Fresh fruit from the market = Most delicious dinner EVER! Mango-Strawberry Fruit Salad... YUUMMMMMM!!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Some Pictures of What's Been Going On

Still working on painting the apt... took a long break due to trips, funeral, and lack of ka-ching... now ready to add a pattern to one of the living room walls (that's tape, btw, not pastel yellow paint. That would be yucky...)

Students working on their music theory :)

Neighborhood kids watching our music class. It entertains them to no end...

Practicing with the boys before their big annual concert

More practicing... Hopefully I'll upload a video of the performances later...
Getting ready to tackle P90X! (In my room in Soyo)

Saying goodbye to my awesome roomie in Soyo... that's our duplex behind us...

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Sequence Consequence

As is customary in Angolan tradition, the family has been camping out at the home of the mourning parents since we received the news. Since I live accross the city, I was there the official 8 days of mourning and then came back because of work but I go spend the night there every couple of days or so... However, the family hasn't been left alone for one second since the boy's passing, it's a big thing in our culture to be there to support them in whatever way we can, to celebrate family and togetherness through difficult times such as these. So... what ends up happening as the mourning period progresses? It starts out as the saddest, most heartbreaking event you've experienced and slowly turns into a family get together complete with jokes, anecdotes, and jolly good times. By the time the official 8 days were over, we were having all-out movie nights (Tio T has a corporate-style presentation screen, projector, and surround sound system he bought during the African Cup to watch the games in style, lol. Yes, these are some serious soccer fans we're dealing with...), game nights, and fun sleepovers. It's been so much fun. It's like a family reunion, and in the efforts of keeping the bereaved's spirits high, everyone makes a conscious effort to be pleasant, agreeable, and contribute to the positive environment.
I decided to bring along my game of Sequence one of those nights... and I don't know if I've mentioned before on the blog how any efforts of organizing a game night has been an epic fail for me before this. You see, Angolans don't do game nights. They don't do social events other than parties with loud music and dancing. They don't do Annual-Last-Minute-Minority-Picnic-Leonia-Brings-a-Random kind of events. They don't do mountain cycling at a local park. They don't do water skying, boarding, tubing... or anything of the sort. They don't do ANYTHING that I would consider a normal and enjoyable leisurely activity. As I said before, all they do for fun is visit each other, watch tv, throw parties with loud music and dancing, and go to the beach (Where they sit and chitchat on the sand with the occasional foray into the area where the water barely reaches their knees... SMH. It's true that Africans don't know how to swim.) So whenever I suggest any other activity that I think would be so much fun to any of my friends or cousins, they look at me like I'm from outer space. Case in point: For my 25th birthday, my aunt had wanted to organize a party. I told her no thanks, I don't like parties (yes, even Adventist ppl find it normal to party with loud music and dancing, lol). So she said, what would you like to do instead? I said let's invite my friends from church and all the cousins around my age and organize a game night! I have some games we could play, it would be so much fun. My aunt literally just blinked at me. She proceeded to suggest that my uncle and herself would just take me (and another cousin that I share birthdays with) out for ice cream, bring the kids along and call it a night. So that's what we ended up doing (I should note that I don't even eat ice cream, so they took THEMSELVES out for ice cream and I just snacked on a pastry and some juice instead). She thought the idea of holding a game night for a birthday party was ridiculous. She was like, what would ppl think? I'd be so embarassed! It's for a 25 yr old! Not a kid's birthday party, a 25 yr old! I tried to explain to her that there is such a thing as games for grown ups but she wasn't quite getting it. To her games = pin the tail on the donkey and other silly little things like that... lol.

So, fastforward to some nights ago, I break out Sequence and teach a couple of them how to play. Before I knew it, the whole gang had learned how to play and had gotten totally HOOKED! They organized a tournament-style structure where they play in teams of two and ppl get eliminated while the winners keep going forward... and it builds up so much suspense because everyone starts ganging up against the team that keeps winning... it's such an intense way of playing Sequence, they took it to the next level. The first night, they ended up playing til the wee hours of the morning. It became the hit of the night. The next night, they broke out the game again and taught it to the uncles... it became even more intense! Ppl were trash-talking, doing victory dances, the whole 9 yards. It was hilarious. After a couple of days, I caught the 5 a.m. bus home so I could go to work and decided to stay at home that night to catch up on my sleep... and what do you know, the cousins were texting me left and right talking about when are you coming back? Please bring back the game!

I kid you not, they are TOTALLY hooked. Everyone rushes through their duties (while at the mourning, the relatives do everything around the house so the bereaved don't have to worry about it. Cook, clean, buy groceries to sustain the multitude of people staying at the house, etc.) so they can get back to the game table we've set up in the front yard. It's hilarious...

I already have 5 cousins that have asked me to bring them back a Sequence game when I go to the U.S. in December. They crack me up. You see, that's what happens when one is willing to be a little bit open-minded and decide to try something outside their normal routine. You might run into something you love to do. Or you might become an addict... lol... So glad we don't play for money, otherwise I would've created a bunch of gambling addicts!

So this one's to the O's: your donation of a game of Sequence has had far-reaching consequences, it's brought a welcome distraction and a lot of joy to a big family who was really needing it. Thanks girls! :D

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hard To Swallow

Over the last 24 hrs, I've learned that finding out someone you love has simply ceased to exist is a really hard fact to swallow. It's so hard to wrap your mind around the fact that someone you JUST hung out with a few days ago, you'll never see again (in this present life, anyway...). It's so heartbreaking to witness the parents and siblings struggling with the same concept... also trying to wrap their mind around what just happened... their struggle being much more painful compared to yours.
Some words to describe him:

Goofy, a typical Gouveia teen :)


Stylish... Oh so very stylish...



Clever: Always found a creative way to get out of doing the dishes... lol


His younger brothers' hero

His older sister's (that would be me) source of joy and non-stop amusement

His parents' pride and joy, their firstborn

It's so unfair that he had to go at such a young age. I hate the disease that took over his strong, seemingly unbreakable body and turned him into a frail shadow of his former self in a matter of hours, struggling to breathe, struggling to do anything necessary to live. I do know that the 18 years he lived were filled with joy, love, battles, and incredible adventures. We keep him in our hearts and memories, and I assure you our grandchildren will be hearing stories about their Great-uncle Gugu. For such a short time on this earth, he left quite a legacy.

We Love Him. We Miss Him. We will Never Forget Him.

In Loving Memory of Mesaque Paulino Gouveia, aka "Gugu".

1992 - 2010

Friday, October 1, 2010

Oh, It's Been Brought

Sunday I start the P90X training I've been wanting to start forever. I read the guide, looked over the recipes and nutritional plan, and saw the introductory video... and then spent all afternoon running all over the city trying to find one of those silly resistance bands since I don't have any dumbbells to workout with. But I couldn't find it anywhere. I went to every single store I could think of that sold fitness items, and boy oh boy talk about limited supplies! They have very little variety of fitness-related goods and they're over-priced and dusty from sitting on the shelves forever... Nobody buys that stuff here, lol. So needless to say, I'm still on the hunt for a resistance band to use with my new workouts, and today more than ever I realized how for granted I took the consumerist paradise that is the U.S.!
Anyway, my new coach Tony Horton has gotten me pumped up and motivated to BRING IT! And that, my friends, is EXACTLY what I plan on doing :)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I Put the Hip in Chipotle

Lately I've been having a hankering for all my favorite foods from U.S. restaurants, or just foods in general that I used to have access to in the U.S. and haven't been able to find here. You know what, scratch that... it's not lately. It's pretty much all the time, lol. But only lately I have decided to just go ahead and make from scratch everything I feel like eating but can't find here. Yesterday, that was a big Ceasar salad (don't know where to find vegetarian Ceasar dressing...) today, a Chipotle-style burrito. It turned out delicious, and I was so excited about finally having a Chipotle burrito after craving it for so long that I ended up taking pictures of myself eating my savory lunch. My coworkers were quite amused... they kept asking, what are you taking pictures of yourself for? heeheehee... anyhow... I figured the only ppl who would share in the joy of my awesome lunch is you, my dear blog readers. So for your enjoyment, a series of photos of me and my burrito!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Babies and More Babies

This weekend was great... I spent Friday night chatting on IM, then a good dose of audioverse, then off to sleep I went. Sabbath was a nice outdoor church service with a good sermon about how we've forgotten to love our neighbor as ourselves, in which the preacher went on to give examples of several instances that are normal in today's society which demonstrate that we do not love one another as our Father has loved us... it's more of an "Every Man for Himself" society, and we as Christians should do away with that kind of mentality. After church we all had a nice picnic right outside, and then we sat around and sang old school African church songs (songs like Onge, and other African Voices favorites :D) with Tio Terencio often taking totally unsolicited solos... he was hilarious and SOOO reminded me of my dad when he used to walk around the house singing like he meant serious business... hahaha
Then I went home, found out water AND electricity were gone on my block, and decided not to rough it out and go spend the night at the Tadeus instead :) It was a good choice, as I got to catch up with Elsa and Chinha and play with baby Edilson, who has become SUCH a little man, he's starting to talk! It seems like just yesterday we were curiously talking about his crusty little bellybutton when he was brought home from the hospital... now he walks and almost talks and constantly wreaks havoc... too cute.
Sunday consisted of music class in the morning, as usual... then a quick trip to the Shoprite, the South African version of Walmart, to check if they had finally re-stocked on veggie meat (which to my delight, they had! YUMMM!) and then off I went to Sonia's to meet baby Adriel. He's already 2 months old and I still hadn't met him so it was about high time I did. Good thing I decided to forego doing laundry (I'll pay for that later... I feel the almost-filled-to-capacity hamper scowling at me from the corner of the room every time I pass by :S) to spend some time with the squirmy little bundle and his hilarious momma instead :) Some pictures of the visit:

Such a cutie-patootie!

My newest little friend :)

He kept taking mini-naps, much to his mother's chagrin

Stay asleep for more than 5 minutes, will ya???

It was fun to catch up with Sonia... she makes the terrors of delivering a baby in the Angolan health system (think more than one patient per bed, understaffed maternity wards, and mean nurses that have become totally desensitized to mothers screaming from the pain...) sound like a scene straight out of a sitcom. It was so funny the way she told it... but really nothing I'd like to experience... or maybe I would just so I could tell yall about it from a first-hand account!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What's Been Going On?

At Home:
Still painting. I changed my mind about a couple of colors I wanted to use so now I gotta take some paint cans back to the store to exchange them for the right colors. It's taking me forever due to the fact that I have very little spare time and I refuse to waste money by hiring somebody else to do it. But we're getting there. Hopefully I'll have some nice pics to upload soon...

At Work:
Recently found out I'm being groomed to take on a Global leadership position. Although it wouldn't happen for a couple of years, I still think it was very cool news. Lots of pros and cons to consider... we'll see what happens as time goes on :)

At Church:
I've officialy turned down the role of Director of Music at my old church because I decided to start attending Central church. Those early Sabbath morning taxi rides accross the city were getting exhausting, and it is after all the day of REST... so yeah, I've attended a couple of Sabbaths already and it's soooo relieving to travel just 30 seconds to get to church instead of 1 hr and 30 minutes, give or take a few...

On Music:
My students are coming along nicely... a couple of them have already performed special music at church on their own and have done wonderfully. I feel like such a proud momma! lol Also, I can't wait to finish buying furniture, because I need to get myself a keyboard... and if I can find myself a cheap guitar I'll buy that too... Time to put more time into my music :) Maybe I'll even try my hand at songwriting! That would be fun. Oh, and another tidbit of news: Belkis and Tang have hired me as their children's private Music teacher. I'm going to have so much fun with those cute munchkins... They've taken up the last little bit of free time that I had: Sunday nights... but what else is time for if not to be taken up???

On Working Out:
Started up a new routine and I'm trying with all my might not to break it no matter what. Usually the trips are what interrupt my momentum and this time I've taken those into consideration when planning how my workouts will go, so hopefully I'll stick to this for years and years...

Other Miscellaneous Tidbits:
Internet signal has really been horrible lately. I don't know WHAT's gotten into my modem but it makes for a very frustrated user every evening when I'm trying to catch up on FB and chat with le boyfriend on MSN. SOOO ANNOYING!

More about my life on subsequent posts :)

Back on Track

Righty-O... where were we?
Ah yes, I believe last time I wrote I was about to head to Nigeria...
I meant to blog about it as soon as I got back and post pics, but I haven't really gotten around to blogging since the trip itself broke my momentum. Yes, it's the trip's fault, lol.
As for the pictures, I had a whole bunch to show... but I accidentally deleted them from my camera :( These are some of the few left:
the guard who graciously escorted us anytime we needed to wander off the premises

Checking out a little Italian place with the coworkers

I kept asking this artisan to let me take a picture of him doing his thing and he adamantly refused... so I walked away disappointed and resorted to taking one from afar... lol

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ode To R.O.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I promise I didn't
Forget about you

So here's a blog
Dedicated to thee
Where you can find pictures
To steal from me!

Enjoy! :)