Monday, December 28, 2009

BPD: The Chronicle's of Elisa's Pursuers, Final Edition

I took the roses and read the card on them... it said something along the lines of "I hope you're having a great day and I hope the fragrance of these flowers sweeten your day..." Or something cheesy like that.
I look at the guy who delivered the flowers and ask: "How did you get here?"
-"A friend dropped me off"
-"Which friend?"
-"A friend from church"
-"Is your friend's name H*?" (H refers to the guy that likes me... Names have been modified to protect the innocent... and the not-so-innocent, lol)
-"No, it was someone else"
-"Are you lying?"
-"Ok. Thanks for bringing these. "
-"No problem"

So he chitchats a little bit more with my cousin, (I think he's part of the crew from back in the day that were in pathfinders with my cousin...) and then he says his goodbye to leave.
My cousin walks him to the gate, locks it once he's out, and comes back into the house with a grin on his face.

"Umm, I saw who was giving the guy a ride," he says, "It was H."
-"I knew it."

I immediately pick up the phone and call H.
"Hello?" he answers...
"Hey, where are you?"
"I'm far away."
"Far away from where?"
"I'm at home."
"Really? You're not in my neighborhood?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm at home"

Keep in mind, his home is on the other side of the city. With Friday night traffic, it takes a couple of hours to get from my house to his neighborhood. I called him about 3 minutes after my cousin had seen him parked a little bit beyond our front gate. Wherever he took that Macking 101 class, they totally forgot to teach him about how lying is NOT the way to win a girl over...

"Ok, well, I wanted to speak to you face to face," I continue, "But since you're so far away we can just talk over the phone"

"Well I'm busy right now. I'll call you some other time."
"No, it won't take long let me just say something real qui-"
"No," He interrupts me,"I really don't have time I'm too busy."
"Ok, let me just talk for like 30 seconds. The time you're wasting telling me you're busy is time I would've used, and I would've been finished by now"
"No! no! it's ok, we'll talk another time!"
So by this time I'm trying to get my words in and he's just talking loudly over me so that he won't listen to what I'm saying (you know, like when kids are arguing and one doesn't wanna hear what the other one has to say? Yeah. I know. How mature of him, right?)

I'm on the line just trying to get him to listen, but he's all "NOOO NOOO NOOO WE'LL TALK LATER! LATER. LATER. NOT NOW!"

This drags on for a minute or two, and when he saw that I wasn't letting him off the hook he finally shut up long enough to hear me.

So I start with "I got the roses. Thanks. But here's the thing -"
and he interrupts me again with his nonsense "AAHH NOT RIGHT NOW! I'LL CALL LATER! BLAH BLAH BLAH!"

So I'm basically yelling on the other end like, LISTENNNNNN! And he finally says "I already know what you're gonna say!"
"Ok, but you blocking me from saying it isn't helping you. Just listen!"

And I go into my monologue about how maybe he's got me confused with one of those girls that when they say 'no' they mean 'yes, but only after you shower me with gifts and attention'... Well when I say no, I mean no. Not today, not tomorrow. Not after a thousand roses. No, I'm NOT INTERESTED. And the more you insist the more annoyed I get and you're only ruining the chances you didn't even have to begin with. I'm sorry I have to be so harsh, but you're obvioubsly not understanding what I've been trying to tell you. So to be clear: I'm not interested in being in a relationship with you. I don't want to go out to dinner with you. I don't want to go to church with you. I don't want any gifts from you. I don't want you to call me for no reason other than to say hi or good night or whatever. Do you get what I'm saying?

And he says weakly, "yes".

"Ok. Well I'm sorry I have to be so rude, but you just weren't getting it. I'm very flattered that you like me and I appreciate your gifts. But I'm not gonna let you waste your time, your energy and your money when I know from the beginning that this isn't going to happen."


"Ok. Thanks. Have a good night and Happy Sabbath"


"Alright, bye"

And with that, I hang up the phone, sigh with relief, and walk back in the house to face my cousin just grinning from ear to ear apparently amused by what had just played out.

So what became of H? I see him every once an a while when there are large church activities such as la Hna. Bullon's conferences and stuff... He's very normal and just says hi like any normal acquaintance would do, and I respond in like manner. One night, I got a random text from him. It said "I miss you a lot". I didn't respond.
That was the last I ever heard from him.

The end.

Questions? Comments? Concerns?


Sabby said...


He should have gotten you poinsettias, then you guys could have been "so happy, happy, I remember, beneath the poinsettia's red in warm December...." hee hee ;)

cryswag said...

HAHAHA annoying persistent admirers..don't worry we all get our share of them jajaja good one!

ROSIBEL said...

lol that's 3rd world macking for ya!! LOLOLOL how annoying! how's he gonna "miss" you lolol! poor thing!