Monday, December 14, 2009

Start spreading the news: I'm leaving... er... when again?

So I think it's been established that I'm bad with time, right? Like I never know what day of the week it is, or what the date is, without consultiong a calendar or document containing that info. Also, I'm HORRIBLE at estimating how much time has elapsed from one event to another... I HAVE to look at a clock or watch in order to have a clue as to what's going on. It's like I have no depth perception... except with time as opposed to distance. Dina got that skill, I was blessed with the skill of geographical orientation (or at least I was til I moved to Luanda :S).
The reason I mention this is because when I got to work this morning and started going about doing business as usual, I eventually came across some paperwork that revealed to me a very crucial piece of information: Today is December the 14th. I was shocked. I'd gone through the whole weekend miscalculating my dates, and I thought today was the 13th. I quickly verified on the computer, the phone, and the calendar... and sure enough, it's the 14th. Why so crucial, you ask? Well, you see, the fact that today is the 14th means that tomorrow is the 15th. And you see, I happen to have a pretty significant appointment on the 15th.
I have a flight to South Africa booked for December the 15th. I know. I know. I'm not serious... I was seriously gonna miss my flight tomorrow had I gone through the whole day thinking that today was the 13th. Which would've made me miss my appointment at the Mexican Embassy in Pretoria... which would mean no visa in time for my February vacation. Wow. I need to get it together (yes, I still use that overused phrase from 2001. Get over it.).

In other (time-airheadedness-related) news: It just dawned on me yesterday that I'm only 2-weeks away from the half-marathon I've been training for! I feel SOOO not ready, considering I'm up against real professional runners from all over the world. Ok, so maybe I'm not UP AGAINST them. I'm in the individual category... which means I'm up against other non-contracted athletic amateurs. But we're all participating in the same race, at the same time. That's rather intimidating, but really, since I've only been training for about 5 months, the goal for this year is just to survive. After the race, I need to take a breather and figure out a way to do some treatment for my shin splints which have been getting progressively worse for a couple of months now. I'm pretty sure by the time I'm finished with the race, I'll hardly be able to walk. My coach keeps pressuring me to take some anti-inflammatory medicine, I just laugh and shake my head. Poor coach, he doesn't know what a stubborn anti-chemical-drugs athlete he has taken on :) Thank goodness for google- I'm sure I'll be able to figure out some effective homemade remedies...

So in a few minutes when I get off work, I gotta go run a few miles, then catch a ride to home- on the other side of the city- so I can pack my backpack, then come back to this side of the city so I can spend the nigth at the Tadeus so I can have a ride for my 4:30 a.m. check-in tomorrow.

You besta believe I'll be glancing at my watch and calendar every second for the next couple of days just to make sure I don't throw my schedule off and throw away my chance of vacation bliss!


ROSIBEL said...

lolol!!!!!! you were gonna miss a flight? i'm going to florida this wknd woohooo its been a while (last time i went was when you and i went!!) so you'll be in mexico?

Sabby said...

No, she'll be in South Africa. Rosibel clearly is not with the program. Speaking of geographical orientation...Edna and I had to drive to the Cowboys stadium and we quickly realized that we should never have been allowed to go by ourselves to a new

Dina said...

Sabrina, why don't we just keep certain things between us? I'm tired of Elisa rolling her eyes at my disorientation! lol

AND ELISA, who does that?! Don't you have a calendar? I have two hanging on the wall. 2.

(I guess you carry two brujulas?)