Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Before to the After


So today was pretty much uneventful except for the fact that I went to pick out some furniture for the room. I really need to buy a closet/chest set to put away my clothes so I can empty and clean out the living room.

I haven't had a closet in almost 2 years, and I'm honestly tired of having to take out stuff from suitcases, puttting stuff in, looking for separate items to put together an outfit, keeping track of the dirty laundry vs. the clean clothes, and having to iron so much because everything gets crushed from being stuffed in suitcases.

However, being that I AM in Luanda and I simply cannot affort to buy things as I would in a normal city, I had to go find a carpenter to make me a closet and a chest of drawers from scratch. Oh and a bed. A tall bed so I can store my suitcases underneath. I gotta get creative, since this place has NO kind of storage spaces anywhere. No closets, no cabinets, no pantry, no laundry room, no NOTHING. Anyhow I was able to find a pretty good deal, so I placed my order and it'll all be done in 2 weeks. The best part is that I got to say exactly how I wanted (well from their range of choices, at least) each piece of furniture to look. once I tackle the bedroom furniture, I'm going for painting the walls and installing a bar and stools in the living room/dining room. But that's a story for another day (more like a story for another paycheck...)

Oh! I amost forgot! I have some pictures that show just how tiny the place is. I think I'm gonna start calling it The Tent. It's so small I feel like I'm camping in it instead of living in it, lol. I know it seems ridiculous, but don't laugh... It's quite an accomplishment to find such a place for such a low price in this city! Anyhow... without further ado, I present to you, The Tent!
If I stand with my arms spread out, I almost span the whole room. Note that this is both the living rom AND dining room. hahaha

The itty bitty hallway of a bathroom. I think I'm gonna call that section of my living quarters the shoebox...

I present to you, my kitchen!

And last but not least, my bedroom! Please ignore the odd neon lighting. And the gaping cement-filled repair on the wall.

Isn't it lovely?!? Well it isn't yet... but it will be! I already have all the changes I want to make in my head. It's just a matter of implementing them. It's gonna be so cute when I'm done with it! If only I could get enough money right NOW to get everything going. Sigh. Anyways, I guess the journey is half the fun.

Stay tuned for the AFTER pictures coming soon (hopefully) to a blog post near you!


Dina said...

Picture #1: I love the fact that you have your violin right besides you! :)

#2: Sooo discriminatory for obese people, that bathroom would be illegal here.

#3: What is that in the kitchen to the right?

#4: I choose to let Mami see the AFTER pictures. I know she will NOT picture the end product... Not just yet. haha

But congrats, looks like you could make it a cozy little home (emphasize on little)!!!


Socru said...

lol! laughing at Ednas comment abou the bathroom.. But i do have one question... Is the shower in the middle of the sink and toilet?

ROSIBEL said...

Elixer I am so proud of you for being monica la economica!!! I think you should use your engineering skills and KNOCK DOWN THAT WALL in the RR and just have it all one open space!!! I want to come camping!!!

~elisa~ said...

LOL! RO, 'Open Loft feel' would take on a whole new meaning!

Ya'll are welcome to come camping anytime! :D

Sabby said...

"Story for another paycheck"

Is the shower in between the sink and the toilet?!

You better not drop anything on the floor while brushing your teeth or you'll slam your head on the sink!

Can't wait to see what your schizo-creative self does with the place! ;)