Friday, May 28, 2010



So I slept til noon today, got up, lounged around, cooked an actual balanced meal and ate, then sat down to tighten my dreadlocks one by one. Took my sweet time so they came out good. What a leisurely day... I need a few more of these! Loved it. I didn't even leave the house or change out of my pjs. (well except for a quick run to the corner store to get some juice... yes, in my pgs. But my pjs look like workout clothes when worn outdoors... so leave me alone, heehehee.)
Other than that I was pretty unproductive other than some domestic activity such as cleaning up and cooking.
My hair turned out nice...
Overall I have zero complaints for a day such as today :)


Socru said...

That sounds like a really relaxed day! Sounds like what i'm going to do today with the exception of twisting my dreads... The only thing you will find me twisting is some lemon in my water =D

Dina said...

I need braids. :)