Sunday, May 23, 2010

Music in the Air

Today was filled with music... lots of music during church service, as per usual, and then an awesome sacred concert in the afternoon. It was the closing program of the week-long sacred music workshops we've been having and they sure went out with a bang... Several church choirs had gotten together to form one mass choir and practiced with the visiting pianist and the results were quite phenomenal.
Afterwards I came home, had Eugenia over for a bit of more chitchat while sitting on suitcases/mattress, made myself some popcorn for dinner, and attempted to webcam chat with le boyfriend and talk on the phone with the fam, but internet signal was too low. It's just so annoying sometimes. Anyways, I ended up getting ready for bed at a reasonable time because I have to get up early in the morning for music lessons.
So there is the synopsis of my day...
have a great night, one and all!


Dina said...

Wait, you JUST posted these... I haven't even read them but I'm already commenting.

Excuse me as I go back and read...

Sabby said...

Popcorn for dinner?

I just shed a tear for you.

True story.

Dina said...

I love how you just went on about your music after Sabrina's bitter comment! LOL

And HELLO: Sabrina's eyes are missing lacrimal glands, so we already know she lied. Plus, popcorn for dinner is normal on Saturday nights, along with bean and cheese sandwiches. And then you run off to la fuente. And then you play like a savage, roll on the grass so hard that it stings when you take a shower.

Yay for popcorn dinners!