Here's a picture of something I hate:

Doing the dishes!!! I absolutely HATE doing the dishes!! It's always a nightmare to me... ugh... it takes everything I've got to muster the courange and energy to face those dishes that seem to materialize every time I blink... they're soooo annoying! I've hated doing it since I had to do my chores as a little girl, and when my sister and I had to divide the chores of the household I'd negotiate with her to take on other tasks of hers in exchange for her doing the dishes instead of me. I just can't stand it! I don't even know what it is about it that I dislike so much, because it's not even an exhausting task or anything... but it's just annoying to me! hahaha
I could whine about it forever but the fact is, I just have to face the fact that I'm going to have to wash dishes for the rest of my life... or at least until I have some offspring old enough to take over the household chores!
or if you ever buy a dishwasher! do they have those over there?! or is the dishwasher the children?.. lol either way i have no clue how to work a dishwasher.. i dont mind washing dishes.. id rather wash then cook!.. smh.. but actually after awhile of washing dishes my back hurts.. so nu bueno
Please tell me those are NOT your dishes. Please.
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