So, I got this itch. I big itch. An itch that calls for scratching. I want to participate in an IronMan competition. Well, actually, any triathlon. Ironman seems quite far-fetched at the moment. But I really really want to do a triathlon. I've always thought I wanted to do it someday (ever since I saw it on TV ages ago), and then sometime in my 20's I decided I wanted to do it before I turn 30, and now that 30 is pretty much around the corner (I'm 27.5 yrs old, lol) I think it's time to get serious about it. I have a friend who has a boyfriend who just ran the IronMan in South Africa this past April. I was so excited to hear about someone that ACTUALLY participated and I plan on talking to him and getting as many tips from him as possible to see if a complete beginner like me can reach such a lofty athletic goal. My problem is that I lack discipline, I'll have to exercise military discipline in order to get all my workouts in while still balancing my regular life. Maybe I'll get in way over my head but I'd like to try it out. We'll see what happens. I might want to start by buying some real athletic gear though, and that can get quite expensive. And a bike. Where the heck am I going to get a bike from? Oh, so many things to think about. But you better believe this itch is getting stronger by the day and it's not going away until I scratch it!

For those of you who don't know what a triathlon entails, here are the deets:
2.4 Mile Swim
112 Mile Bike Ride
26.2 Mile Run (full marathon)
Phew! Sounds like fun, eh?
CHECK. IT. OUT!!! I'm so there cheering you on, and what'd be great is if I could actually BE there! :D Oh, man, I'm excited at the mere prospect. Woooooooo, let me hear you scream with excitement!!! WOOO! (Sabrina on her wedding day. LOL)
Ok, so... Este, will you be running with pros??? Are we using the overlapping rule? Haha, whatever it is, (Just)DO IT. And wear Nike.
OH shoot!! if you really do this that would be AWESOME!!! and whats with you doing all the random stuff lol jk its fun!
Wow Elixer! I tip my hat to you. Well, maybe not yet until you do it! hahaha nah but for real, SI SE PUEDE!!! Melody ran a marathon and she started her running late in life so you too can re-start the gruesome trainings! So proud of you as it is because you're like the coolest engineer i know, well, after my dad haha.
OMG!!!!! I just realized you took off the captha (spelling?) thing!!!
That would be amazing!! I like the THOUGHT of competing in an Iron Man, but not the actual COMPETING. 2 mile swim? Heck no. What does swimming have to do with anything? A real Iron Man would be too heavy to swim, just sayin'....
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