No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you... that IS the airport security singing and jamming to an old South African gospel tune. Isn't that awesome?! I had heard that ppl in South Africa will break into song and dance at random places (in the train, at the bus stop, at school, at work, etc) but I had never witnessed it happen. I loved it! It's like living in a musical! hahaha
The guy that came out of a door on the far right told me to put away the camera when he noticed I was filming so I was only able to capture that little bit of video. After all, this WAS a security checkpoint at an international airport, lol.
Just goes to show that it's true what they say about the African spirit: it's is indominable and resilient and full of life. Just lovely.
I think they put a spell on your camera because the video is not showing up.
I see it! That's too funnnny. I showed it to Mami too... She was just smiling and shaking her head. lol
And the guy on the far right looked like he was coming out of the bathroom all ready to sing!
aww man i'm so mad i cant see the video!!! its not showing up! Rosibel was telling me about the musical that happened at the airport lol HOW FUN!
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