Saturday, November 26, 2011
Inspiring Sabbath
During the wartime, when he was 10 yrs old, him and his little brother got kidnapped by the rebel army and taken away from their family and hometown deep into the jungles where the rebel army camped out. At first, although they were scared and lost, they stuck together so as to feel a little bit better about their situation. But later on, the soldiers decided to separate them and they sent the little one away to some other camp. I didn't fully understand what the purpose was for taking them, but I know that the rebel army would take boys to brainwash and to train them to become part of their forces and they would become little robots fighting for a cause they didn't even understand, just losing their childhood overnight. Maybe that was the case in this instance too. Anyways, to make the long story short... the boys were separated from each other for 4 months, then each of them were led to believe that the other one was dead, and then later through a series of circumstances the little brother was brought back to the camp where the older brother (Nito) was staying, at which time they ran away from the camp and walked aimlessly through the forest with no food and water for several days until they stumbled upon a village where a family took them in and hid them. They then were able to send word to their hometown to tell the parents that the kids were found and alive and well. The dad then walked 250 kilometers (155 miles) in the midst of a warzone to go pick up the boys. When they were finally reunited, all three of them took to walking the way back home, a journey that would require them to walk through the forest at night, and hide out in villages during the day. They knew the rebel army was searching for them and they had control of that whole region so it was extremely dangerous... so fast forward a bit, and they ended up falling back into rebel hands, but in the scuffle the two boys were able to get away, while the dad was captured and tortured for several days. The youngest boy ended up hiding in the thick of the forest a few yards from the rebel army campout, so he witnessed his father being tortured. He said that he was so close to the camp that when they threw out the dirty dishwater, it would land on him. But he couldn't move a muscle, or sneeze, or cough, or anything, because it would mean certain death. The oldest boy was able to run to a nearby village and hide out there while waiting for news about the other two. Anyways so the miracle took place when one of the generals of the rebel army touring through the campsites found the captured father and recognized him as the local pastor of his hometown (he was an SDA Pastor, I forgot to mention)... he ordered that he be immediately released and told his men not to bother him anymore. He reunited with his boys, and they walked the rest of the way home.
Nito told this story in tears and mentioned how the scars of that torture stayed with his father until the day he died, and how it always reminded him how things that happen to God's faithful servants are never coincidence, but always Providence. It was such a touching and beautiful testimony. During the appeal, I played Que Te Dare Maestro, which I think has some of the most inspired words in the hymnal. It was one of those goose bump rising moments for sure...
Anyways so then we got invited to lunch at Nelson's house (the littlest boy in the story), whose wife is a new and entusiastic vegetarian with a passion for cooking so the food was off the chain and completely vegetarian which I loved! At lunch, I met a lady who had been invited to church by Nelson's wife, who is also a survivor of a crazy story. I don't know much detail because she didn't go too much into it, but basically her father was a witch (can a male be a witch? or is he called a wizard? I don't even know...) and she showed us the scars from where her father had slit her wrists and stabbed her thighs as a sacrifice to the devil when she was a little girl...
She survived and she is now seeking the Lord.
Anyways, it was definitely a Sabbath full of extraordinary testimonies and I'm just amazed at how God looks after His people. I'm so inspired to pray more, to trust Him more, and to cast all my cares upon Him, for He is good... oh so good.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Ok so this is just a quick post to say LOOK AT MY NEW BLOG LAYOUT! Ain't it purrttyyy?!?! lol
I will start putting more time and energy into the blog like I used to, and the makeover is just a little taste of the great things to come! Thanks for sticking around! I'll post more soon :)
Friday, September 30, 2011
5/30 Days of Elisa

I could whine about it forever but the fact is, I just have to face the fact that I'm going to have to wash dishes for the rest of my life... or at least until I have some offspring old enough to take over the household chores!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
4/30 Days of Elisa
My crew! This pic shows some of the friends I love and miss... there's a lot of people missing in this pic, but I miss all my friends very very much!
The O's! These ladies are my sisters from another mister and Sammy is the little brother I never had! Miss them terribly all the time! :(
The lovely Bryces. My adoptive family :) They've been heavensent to the G-Unit. LOVE them and miss them so much...
There you have it. Some of the people that fill my memories and bring a smile to my face everytime I think of them.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
2/30 Days of Elisa
I've been wanting to do this for aaages but for some reason I never get around to doing it while I'm on vacation. I'm gotta get it together, find some skydiving buddies, and just go! I know Mikes is down... anyone else wanna join in on the fun?? C'mon guys! let's organize a skydiving outing! :D
Monday, September 26, 2011
1/30 Days of Elisa
Hopefully I can keep it up for a full 30 days, because we all know how great and consistent I am at posting... :S
So, RO, send me the list too (I want your version without the boring themes :D)!

10 Random Facts about Me:
1. I have too many hobbies. So many that I can't keep up with them!
2. I have huge nostrils. Seriously. I can fit two fingers into each one of them. And yes, I do think that makes me cool.
3. I like to entertain myself by doing duets with myself. Hum the melody and whistle the harmony simultaneously (or vice versa). It's oodles of fun.
4. My grandma is teaching me kimbundu, my dad's native language. Twasakidila. Kiambote.
5. I'm a giant in Angola. I can never find shoes that fit me so I often buy them a size too small...
6. I give all my coworkers nicknames (Agnelo = Agnelation, Avidio = A Video Clip, etc...) It makes me laugh. They don't get it.
7. Nelito and I share a love for old-school Country Music. We've been known to veg out on the couch for hours downloading youtube videos of Alan Jackson, Don Williams, and the likes.
8. Technology has it out for me. I'm always giving my computer or its accessories to the IT guy begging him to fix the inexplicable problem that it started giving me all of a sudden. He thinks I'm clumsy, neglectful, or careless. I plead not guilty!!!
9. I'm a serious sugar addict. Sometimes I get really bad headaches that won't go away until I eat something sweet and junky. A fruit wont do. It has to be junky. I'm not exaggerating either, it must be psychological but it really happens...
10. Being up in the air is one of my favorite feelings in the world. I don't only love traveling for the destination and for the new cultural experiences. I also relish the actual journey.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Viva Mexico!
The whole crew... give or take a couple...
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Los Mocositos
Wedded Bliss
Ebony Tresses
Thursday, September 15, 2011
He's fun to have around though, and he's such a handyman if any maintenance-related issues arise, I really can't complain.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Mujer de Hierro
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Hi! Remember Me?
For now, I'll just say this: I've been having fun as always. I've been traveling as usual, spending time with friends and family, trying to be a superstar at work (got a raise last week, wohoo!), getting my students to perform their first formal recital, and all of those activities that keep me entertained.
This weekend I spent visiting Belkis and her kids while her husband is away on business. It was cool to catch up and eat all of Belkis' delicious vegan cooking and laugh at Sukayna's antics. She cracks me up! Such a cutie. Pictures to come in the next post. Which I PROMISE will NOT be 3 months from now! hahaha
Toodles my dears! Thanks for sticking around! :D
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
On Being an Engineer
and Water Survival Training Session
More pics of my life as an engineer to come :)
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
My Favorite Kiddos
Baby Tina is the cutey patootie in diapers. Remember her? She's the one that was born that day when I got my puppy... isn't she so big? Time flies, I tell ya.
Today is Junior's bday, he turns 4. I met him when he was 1. It' INSANE how fast he got so big.
I love these two :)
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
I woke up with a swollen shut, painful, red, extremely mucous eye.
This is NOT fun.
I went to my first morning meeting, followed by the clinic, and now I've been ordered by the Doctor to stay locked up in my room for the next 2 days. Ugh. Turns out, it's going around here at the base, yet noone bothered to warn me til after I got it. Thanks a lot people!
Well it's actually not too bad to have a forced vacation. Other than the annoying eye, it's kinda nice to chill out and work from bed :)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
My First Masterpiece
Ok not even close to a masterpiece but here is the fruit of my labor! I got to perform my first song last Sunday. I'm enjoying this songwriting thing :)
I needs to buy me a guitar so I can be more legit, lol.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Elisa and the Terrible, Horrible, No-Good Week
Pics taken after I got back from the clinic where they disinfected me and gave me an anti-rabies shot...
But alas... the week is now over. Sunset is here (yay for Sabbath!!!) and I get to hang out with the kiddos at the Tadeus' home which never fail to bring some sunshine into my day! :D