Sunday, January 10, 2010

Angola, do meu Coracao!

Oh man. I can seriously say that I've had the most fun day since I've stepped on Angolan soil. The opening game of the African Championship was quite a thing of beauty. The ceremony, the game, everything. I'm too tired to go through the details now, it's super late and I gotta head to work in the morning... but I'll fill you in on the details tomorrow. The results of the game were a disappointment: We tied 4-4 against Mali after leading 4-0 pretty much throughout the whole game... but I had a BLAST. Hopefully I can find some youtube videos to link to, but we'll see.

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite :D


Sabby said...

I'll be impressed if you score World Cup tix!


Dina said...

Mali?! WHO in the world is Mali in the realm of African futbol???