Sunday, January 24, 2010

She says: Bom Djia, Posso Falah com a Elisa?


Today was aaight... I went to church in the morning, where the service was ok. No soul-shaking or earth-shattering sermon or anything... just aaight. The announcements took WAY too long, it was exasperating. Also, the church was half empty because there was some sort of camp meeting going on that I had no clue about... I'm so out of the loop sometimes because I live in the opposite side of the city.

Nina and Zermath (Tia Ivone's children) are both in town from Brazil and France, respectively. Nina brought her daugher Jasmine, who's 5 years old. I've seen pics of her and I've talked to her on the phone... she sounds like a mini-brazilian, lol, so cute. But I've yet to meet her... we weren't able to coordinate something this weekend because the phones lines were acting up. Anyways, hopefully we can meet up for lunch this week so I can meet my little niece!

I actually got to take a nap today. I can't remember the last time I got to take a Sabbath nap! It felt great. It's good to rest on the Day of rest.

Anyhow... that's it for today. Back to browsing the net for a bit and then getting some shut-eye so I can get up bright and early tomorrow for music class.

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