Thursday, January 7, 2010

Home Sweet Home... For Now


So I found a place to live... for an indeterminate amount of time. I'm back at the Tadeus'. They have plans to rent out the place to a company looking for housing for their expats... so I might have to move again in a few months. But this will do for now, especially since Tio and Tia refused to let me pay rent, lol. Well I have nothing left to do other than praise the Lord for always providing and thank the Tadeus for their generosity. Now I'm gonna have to see about getting a little fridge to fill with food and veggie meats and all that so I don't have to freeload off their fridge as well.

The best part about this arrangement is that I live a 4-minute walk from work. NO MORE COMMUTING! YAY!!! Luanda commutes are just NOT fun, I'm so glad I wont have to deal with that anymore.

So that's the update... now I just have to find the time to pack up and move all my belongings sometime between today and tomorrow :S


Sabby said...

They sell veggie meat in Angola?!!

~elisa~ said...

Yeah girl! Real good veggie meat too! It took me a while to find where they sell it... because it's not well known or anything... but I found it and they have quite a large variety of it too..

ROSIBEL said...

hey thats nice at least you dont have to wake up so friggin early anymore...well...for now!