Sunday, January 3, 2010

Kids Say (And Do) the Darndest Things...

As I may have mentioned before, Tio Jolly and the family are visiting for Christmas break. It's been fun to have the family around, especially my 4-year-old shadow, Little Elisa. Little Elisa is known as Izzy at home.

So the other day we're chillin' on the couch and Izzy looks up at me and says: 'Elisa, how come you have boobs?'

-'Because I'm a grown up' I say, trying to suppress my laughter.

-'Everyone has boobs except me,' she says with a long face.

-'You'll have boobs someday too. And it's good that you don't have boobs now, you would look really weird with boobs at your age...'

-'I want boobs now!'

At that point Tia Filo walks out of the kitchen and says something like 'Izzy, stop wishing for boobs and go pick up your toys.'

Later that evening, Izzy was spotted traipsing around the front yard with two round objects under her shirt, held tautly at chest height.

She had climbed the guava tree and chosen her own custom-made pair of boobs, put them in place, and gone on about her business content and satisfied.


ROSIBEL said...


Sabby said...

Elisa Jr even has ashy SOMEBODY used to!!! lol!